Resources/3/Est Testimonials
Est Testimonials
Testimonials component, give a good style to your testimonial section.
<!-- component -->
<div class="flex justify-between w-full gap-4 overflow-y-hidden overflow-y-scroll rounded-md bg-blue-950 lg:py-5 flex-nowrap scrollbar-thin scrollbar-thumb-orange-400 scrollbar-track-blue-950">
<div class="flex flex-col items-center w-full p-4 lg:flex-row">
<div class="flex items-start justify-center w-2/12">
<p class="font-serif text-center text-gray-400 text-9xl lg:text-left">"</p>
<div class="flex-1 w-[320px] lg:w-[1120px]">
<div class="text-lg font-normal text-center text-gray-300 lg:text-left">
Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. At sit
reprehenderit ipsum nostrum recusandae, debitis itaque, voluptates, dolore
eligendi beatae error repellat earum cupiditate nulla. Minus ab magnam ipsa
<div class="flex items-center justify-center w-full mt-8">
<img class="object-cover w-16 h-16 border-2 border-blue-500 rounded-full"
alt="testimonial 1">
<div class="flex-1 lg:pl-4">
<p class="text-2xl font-bold text-white">
John Doe
<p class="font-sans text-gray-400 text-md">
Web Developer
<div class="flex flex-col items-center w-full p-4 lg:flex-row">
<div class="flex items-start justify-center w-2/12">
<p class="font-serif text-center text-gray-400 text-9xl lg:text-left">"</p>
<div class="flex-1 w-[320px] lg:w-[1120px]">
<div class="text-lg font-normal text-center text-gray-300 lg:text-left">
Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. At sit
reprehenderit ipsum nostrum recusandae, debitis itaque, voluptates, dolore
eligendi beatae error repellat earum cupiditate nulla. Minus ab magnam ipsa
<div class="flex items-center justify-center w-full mt-8">
<img class="object-cover w-16 h-16 border-2 border-blue-500 rounded-full"
alt="testimonial 2">
<div class="flex-1 lg:pl-4">
<p class="text-2xl font-bold text-white">
Maria Clark
<p class="font-sans text-gray-400 text-md">
Web Designer
const plugin = require("tailwindcss/plugin");
// You will need to add this into of tailwind plugins and install tailwind-scrollbar dependency
require("tailwind-scrollbar")({ nocompatible: true }),
plugin(function ({ addUtilities }) {
".scrollbar-hide": {
/* IE and Edge */
"-ms-overflow-style": "none",
/* Firefox */
"scrollbar-width": "none",
/* Safari y Chrome */
"&::-webkit-scrollbar": {
display: "none",